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Politika, estetika in demokracija

Edited by: Marina Gržinić
Year: 2015

Politics, esthetics and democracy is a collection of scientific texts that have been presented at the international colloquium with the same title, organized in 2015, at ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana. The organizers of the colloquium were the Institute of Philosophy ZRC SAZU and AVA, Academy of Visual Arts, Ljubljana. Contributing authors are Nina Cvar, Katja Čičigoj, Marina Gržinić, Adla Isanović, Sebastjan Leban, Jovita Pristovšek, Šefik Tatlić and Jasmina Založnik. Authors of the contributions in this scientific publication share a horizon of contemporary theory and philosophy, not least the critique of global capitalism. This started even before the crisis, before 2008, when we were among the few that, as it is said, have not seen all the “advantages of capitalism.” The depoliticized horizon and ferocious turbo neoliberalism, which can be described with a condensed phrase maximization of death and the maximization of profit, is what Achille Mbembe already in 2003 called necropolitics, that took stands in front of our thresholds, while for the majority of workers necropolitics is sitting at the kitchen table. At that point even the most hesitating theoreticians started to refer to the critique of political economy and radicalized forms of biopolitics.

Table of content

Sebastjan Leban 
Paradigma svobode: reprodukcija kapitala in demokracije
Adla Isanović
Politika in estetika podatkovnih zbirk in forenzike
Nina Cvar 
Zapuščeno telo kot postranska škoda neoliberalnega globalnega kapitalizma
Šefik Tatlić
Emancipacija nekrokapitalizma. Teleološka funkcija liberalizma in optimizacija hegemonije
Jovita Pristovšek
O obratu od politike reprezentacije k režimu estetskega
Jasmina Založnik
Umestitev na drugo stran 
Katja Čičigoj
»Biti je biti zanikan«. Feministična dekonstrukcija suverenosti estetskih ontologij subjektivnosti
Marina Gržinić
Kolonializem Evrope, dekolonialnost in rasizem 
Skupna bibliografija

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